human rights 8 March- International Women’s Day: Where do we stand? Contributions from ordinarily extraordinary voices around the world On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2023, we decided to ask several outstanding women and men who work from different perspectives on women and girls’ rights around the ⋙
Afghanistan The rights of Afghan women must not be the “sacrificial goat” in a male dominated peace process Afghanistan is entering another uncertain phase of transition, with an uncertain fate for half of its population, women. Twenty years ago, the US-led international community intervened militarily in Afghanistan to ⋙
Chile Breaking the circle of political sexual violence: feminist and LGBTQ+ activism in Chile during the 2018-2019 protests On 26 October 2019, during the heydays of the Chilean Protests, hundreds of people were waiting for Joshua Maureira outside the prosecutor’s office where he was giving his statement. ⋙
UNSCR 1325 Whose agenda, whose agency? Women's participation in peace and security The conference “Celebrating 20 years of UNSCR 1325: Past, present and future of the WPS Agenda”, analysed the often-steep path of the implementation of UNSCR 1325, trying to chart the ⋙
UNSCR 1325 Women, Peace and Security post-2020: de-colonize, de-militarize the Agenda Among the several stormy changes that 2020 brought, it marked an important anniversary: the UN Security Council adopted unanimously its resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) twenty years ⋙
ERIS Celebrating 20 years of UNSCR 1325: Past, present and future of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda 4 November 2020 – 11.00 (CET) – Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies – Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa (online on Webex) Partner: Agency for Peacebuilding (AP) Funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) Programme 11.00-11.10 – Institutional ⋙
Turkey New Political Debate in Turkey: Istanbul Convention While violence against women worldwide is on sharp rise, we are also witnessing a backlash and attack against the rights that protect women from such violence. One such recent example ⋙