Coming to an end, the project ETRA-ID - Engaging Traditional and Religious Authorities in the Sahel: The Role of Interreligious Dialogue, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and led by Francesco Strazzari, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, is sharing the outputs of the research: a Policy Brief written by Luca Raineri titled "Religious dialogues, community resilience and peacebuilding in the Sahel" and a Working Paper by Laura Berlingozzi titled "Sahelian Dialogues: The Path to Resilience through Religious and Traditional Authority".

Papers can be download here:

For more information on the ETRA-ID project: 

(2022-2023) ETRA-ID - Engaging Traditional and Religious Authorities in the Sahel: The Role of Interreligious Dialogue, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In the face of the pressing threat to the security and cohesion of Sahelian communities posed by the expansion of jihadist insurgencies and intra- and inter-communal conflicts, the project wishes to understand whether, to what extent, and under what conditions the calls for dialogue promoted by religious and traditional authorities can contribute to strengthening social cohesion, community resilience, and political stability in the region.
The research questions driving the project are to what extent can the calls for dialogue promoted by religious and traditional authorities play a mitigating role in conflicts and promote community resilience? And what conditions and mechanisms determine the success or failure of such dialogue initiatives? In this regard, the ETRA-ID project’s overall objective is to explore the role and potential of traditional authorities and religious leaders in inter-religious, interfaith, intra- and inter-communal reconciliation. To achieve its objectives, the ETRA-ID project is structured around the comparative analysis of two emblematic cases of dialogue potential promoted by traditional and religious authorities in the Sahel: Mauritania and Niger.

Project members: